A couple of weeks ago our family decided to spend a weekend camping together in the Capitol State Forest near Olympia, the capitol of Washington State. It is multi-use Washington State Department of Natural Resources land open to the public since 1955. It's a working forest with active timber harvests throughout the year. There is hiking, camping and hunting. The northern half of the forest is also open to motorized off-road vehicles, while the southern half is open to horseback riding. 800,000 people visit the forest each year.
While not everybody could make the trip, there's something about getting family together to spend some time in the woods and sit around the campfire. There are no televisions, no radios, no computers, no cell phones, no electricity. It's a time to just be family and talk. There is a lot of logging in the forest, but those plats are re-planted. The campsite we picked was nestled in the tall trees next to a little stream. But, the stream must be pretty powerful during the winter-- look at the size of the root ball on that fallen tree by the stream.
This is a picture of a crayfish found in the stream. We put it in a potato chip bag long enough to take its picture, then we put it back in the stream. One of its claws was just growing back. The stream had some minnows, but no fish of catching size.

There's something comforting about putting logs on a campfire and staring at the flames and embers. It must go back tens of thousands of years. It can be soothing. Some of the wood was damp. Somebody once said "Whoever believes 'where there is smoke, there is fire' has never tried starting a campfire." We bought a few dry logs back towards town and that made all the difference.

That's son Scott setting up the chess board. Can you beat that arrangement? Even the moths wanted to get into the game.
The Capitol State Forest is pretty big. To the east out across the valley

While we may not camp every weekend, and not every year, to go camping once in a great while is good for the family and good for the soul. It also creates memories. That's granddaughter Dani using a spoon instead of a stick.
ReplyDeleteThat's fantastic! I wonder if Dani will take her family camping too, many decades from now. I'm so glad you all were able to share that great, timeless experience together!!